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Your cybersecurity is paramount to us - and it should be at the forefront of your mind - even at this time of year!

There are plenty of ways in which we can keep you safe, including:

- Providing you with regular security updates

- Backing up all your data, with a secure copy of all our hosted data

- Firewall protection for all our systems

- Ensuring our internet hosts are secure

- Having standby systems in place to take over in the event of any service interruption


There are also ways in which you can help out, too:

- Making regular back ups of all your data

- Ensuring your passwords are strong and frequently updated

- Avoiding public WiFi

- Being sensible when sharing information on social media

- Using secure messaging (which is a feature of the Client Portal.

Discover more about how we keep you cyber safe within our systems, and how you can make additional changes to ensure all your client's data is secure. 

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