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Here’s how we helped a client source a Bridging Loan when time was of the essence βŒ›

The Situation

The client required a bridging loan to complete the purchase of a new build property, using their current unencumbered main residence to secure the funds. A quick completion was needed to avoid the client incurring any penalties.

The Outcome

We set to work straight away on sourcing a lender suitable for the deal. Within just a couple of hours, terms were issued to the client. Once the client was happy with the terms, we submitted all relevant documentation to the lender. Within a day we had secured an offer of the full loan amount (£300,000). From receiving the initial enquiry to sourcing a suitable lender took only 3 days!

πŸ’°Loan Amount: £300,000

🏑Purpose: New Build Property Purchase

πŸ˜€Client: Overjoyed

Interested in how we can help your clients? Get in touch on 01827 337710 or get a quote here.



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