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Google makes no secret of how you can get your fair share of local leads if you follow and apply certain rules and strategies that can attract local traffic to your website. Knowing the exact route to the promised land is well, quite something else!
As Google and other search engines continually shift the sands and shake the very foundations of how businesses can compete in local markets, I've picked up on the idea that it might be helpful if we were to lessen our entire reliance on search results and instead go back a few steps and revisit some of the many other ways of attracting business our way.
As important as getting 'high' in Google local search results is, there are loads of other techniques, methods, and strategies - call 'em what you like that you can apply to get your share of local business.
So, I've compiled a list of over 30 tried and tested practices taken from my own experiences in sales and marketing and those of other successful marketers and included them in a compendium called 'Local Business Profits Booster'
It's an eBook and available to download for less than a tenner. You can get your copy from this link. Local Business Profits Booster Or go search for the name on Google, where most of my sales are coming from - for now!