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Google Business Profile Websites

How many of you are affected by the switch off by Google of the free Google Business Profile websites on June 10th?

This does not affect your main website but the free ones that Google provided to over 21 million local businesses globally.

They have come up with alternatives, including another free option 'Google Sites'

I may consider offering a short training course on this if there is enough interest.


Can you still have a Google Business Profile but not an actual Website? Thanks 

Hi there,

Yes, you can. There are many GBP listings without websites, though to be seen by Google fulfilling their EEAT guidelines, you ought to consider adding either your current website if you have one or create a free one on the Google Sites platform and ensure you refer to EEAT in all of your content.

As a reminder, EEAT stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness and is now the key to winning favour in Google. As a tip, all your online content needs to include references to EEAT. It's all part of the sharpening up by Google to return results in search that meet users/searchers' needs rather than so much of the stuff that gets listed that is irrelevant or misleading.

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