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Network League Table First Half of 2024

Latest network figures - this is not to be read as which network is "best". It is to show AR movements.

For details of how it is put together, please go to

In the last network round up for Q1, I stated that this quarter should draw a line under demise of Tenet. However, by the middle of Q2, Tenet remained in the headlines when the Tenet Group appointed administrators, as reported by Mortgage Strategy on the 5th June. This final move should bring the last word in the whole Tenet saga. Thankfully, the vast majority of staff and advisers affected have found new homes.

Despite some isolated noise on adviser forums about the network model being broken, there doesn’t appear to be any negative impact on the wider market, in fact the opposite.

The table illustrates that Appointed Representative numbers not only remain stable, but actually increasing, with a net growth in AR firms of 132 since the beginning of the year. Equally advisers with mortgage permissions also remain stable. At the close of 2023, there was 15,880 advisers amongst the top networks with mortgage permissions. By the end of Q2 2024, the number was 15,680, during which period, three networks have been removed from the league table, Tenet, for obvious reasons and two other networks, as their AR numbers fell below the parameters of table, having less than 20 AR firms. From this we must take that it looks positive within network land.

A notable point is that these top networks have an average number of advisers with mortgage permissions per firm of 1.9. Although if we remove Mortgage Advice Bureau, who boast a 10.9 adviser per firm average, then this figure drops to 1.6 advisers per firm.

Taking St James’s Place out of the mix for now, as they are primarily and wealth network, the networks with the greatest net growth year to date are The Right Mortgage Network, with 31 new firms, a growth of 8.1%. Following closely is TMG, with another impressive performance of 29 firms, representing a 32.6% growth. Cornerstone also had a notable net growth of 12.7% and finally ValidPath, increasing by 27 firms, although they are also primarily a wealth network. 

Future consolidation of networks is still likely to happen but like I wrote in the last quarter, there are more smaller networks on the way, possibly some disruptors amongst them.  




interesting figures, especially around the average number of advisers per firm, MAB are surely able to operate at far greater economies of scale by having a higher number of advisers per firm, than everyone else that is  effectively a collection of 1 & 2 man bands.

Thanks, yes MAB certainly do have economies of scale and the last data I saw on mortgage sales, they were the biggest arrangers of mortgages in the UK. However, this does not necessarily make them best to join for your business. It is very much horses for courses. Thanks for your comment, very much appreciated. 

oh yes i agree, MAB would not be good for 1/2 man ops, when the L&G network shut back in 2016, it was pretty much a case that larger co's went to MAB and smaller went to Stonebridge.


Got sold to Primis from Tenet. So far Primis ok apart from the constant banging the drum and blowing their trumpet. They do like to cosy up to their big hitters, which is ok but it is a constant with them.

What is the history of Primis

Got it

You’ll be in good company. We’ve brought together expertise of advisers from smaller networks: Pink Home Loans, First Complete, Personal Touch Financial Services and Tenet Lime. We’re backed by LSL Property Services and believe we’re stronger together.

Like a bargain bin at JD Sports

Give me your tired, your poor.

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these

The homeless, tempest-tost to me.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door

Crikey Spurs. You in New york!

Wondering if anyone has ever walked into Primis of their own volition.

I think the answer to that is No Spurs 🤣 

We certainly did not, they talked the talked when they bought us from Tenet Lime AR

6 months in the Jury is out. 

They are like an American Evangelist big top happy clapping company which tries to target us, which i personally hate as i think targeting only causes poor advice and business. They bang on and on and on about protection sales, if you dont do it they have some of their Happy big hitting brokers who will sort the life insurance for your clients, which i find ever so odd and as an adviser i can never understand fully why people do not advise on life, if you are afraid of clawbacks, simply do it on the drip.

They spend tons of money on getting their banner out there, they would do better by reinvesting the money into enhancing their archaic systems and as the biggest network get some decent exclusive deals for the membership, the proc fees are basically the same as Tenet.

Oh and to cap it off, they said they would not take a retention on our broker fees, but they have now though and put our retention rate up by 4%. Apparantly when that rise takes place they will leave our broker fees alone. However having been lied to once i am now wary.

Strongly considering DA.

I'd love to have a chat with you about your experience Valleyboy if you could spare 30 mins. 



This table appears incorrect. MAB's doesn't use MAB Ltd as their main AR network anymore. They are switching to Mortgage Advice Bureau (Derby) Ltd. So their AR figures may be higher than reported

Yep, I know of at least 2 firms that joined MAB in H1

Thank you for this KLM97 and Steve Ballesteros.

MAB Derby Limited wasn't used previously but you are correct. It would appear that they have dual authorised all their firms across both brands and only recruiting in to MAB Derby limited. 

Correct figures (deduped) are below. 

Firstly I will get in touch with MAB to discuss this and secondly I will issue a correction when I produce the next table.

MAB -as of 30th June 2024 

Total AR's 186

Joiners H1 13

Leavers H1 12

Net difference +1

Total number of mortgage advisers across both brands is 1892, only 258 of which are showing under MAB Derby Limited.

Thank you again for pointing this out. 



yes a quite a few more in the pipeline i think

Yep, looks like MAB have taken a couple of reasonable sized firms from TMG lately

Surprising, given the loaded premiums

yes the loaded premiums are a bit of a pain but as an overall package i think MAB have a lot of things right

No problem Paul. MAB authorise under both. MAB Derby was initially used for the protection business but they switched to only registering all firms under Derby in June of last year. 

Most brokers will show under MAB though as they have switched them across on the directory. 

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