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Vida Homeloans
Joined 22/03/22
Posts 37
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Criteria wrap-up: Packagers
The benefits of using a Packager:
Helping you to help more specialist customers with our criteria available through our Packager Partners
• Vida's Premier Packager Club is available for Brokers to use the support of Packagers for those more complex cases
• As part of the club, Packagers get dedicated access to experienced Underwriters
• Exclusive products and rates available to Packagers through the Club
• Enhanced Packager credit tiering
• 1 year bankruptcy instead of 3 years considered
• Adverse within last 6 months considered
• Unlimited adverse also considered, we'll look at your case and work with you
Visit the Premier Packager Hub to view all Products and Criteria,
and to see which Packager Partners we work with:
V-Hub has the answer!
Get in touch with the V-Hub, where you can speak directly to an Underwriter.
Call: 03300 246 246