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Automated remortgage reminders

Hi Everyone,

This time, we would like to highlight an exciting feature from ClientTree that’s designed to help you stay ahead of the curve as well as save you lots of time: automated, customised remortgage reminder emails!

Why use ClientTree's Remortgage Reminder Mailshots?

  1. Automated Efficiency: Say goodbye to manually tracking deal end dates, gathering case details and sending reminder emails. Our system automates the entire process, ensuring your clients (and You!) never miss an important remortgage date. This means you can focus more on advising and less on administrative tasks.

  2. Customisable Content: Tailor your reminders based on how long is left until the deal end date or the type of mortgage it is. Add a personalised message, branded graphics, or special offers - our platform allows you to customise every aspect of your mailshots.

  3. Timely Engagement: Proactively reach out to clients with timely reminders, helping them stay on top of their mortgage. You can even set up different emails to be sent out at different times, for example 6 months or 3 months before the deal end date.

What This Means for You:

  • Boost client retention by staying connected with your clients and giving them valuable reminders to reinforce your role as their trusted advisor.
  • Increase your efficiency by automating this routine task to free up your time to focus on what you do best: providing expert advice.
  • Ensure consistency in your communications to reflect your branding and professionalism in your client interactions.

We believe this feature will significantly cut down the time you spend on chasing upcoming remortgages and help you stand out in the market.

Feel free to reach out or visit our website for more information about how ClientTree can support your business. Let’s save time together!

Most brokers do this as a matter of course. Its all about data base management.

Correct - the system helps brokers automate it, so you don't have to look up each month which mortgages are coming up for renewal and then manually put an email together.

In other words, ClientTree saves you time.

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