Remaining synthetic US dollar LIBOR settings – 3 months to go
The remaining synthetic US dollar LIBOR settings (1-, 3- and 6-month settings) are expected to cease at the end of September 2024.
These are the last remaining synthetic LIBOR settings and the last remaining LIBOR settings overall. Their cessation will mark the final milestone in the transition away from LIBOR.
Market participants with outstanding US dollar LIBOR exposures must make sure they are prepared for the end of these remaining synthetic US dollar LIBOR settings by the expected deadline.
UK EMIR reporting questions and answers
On 2 May 2024 we published a set of finalised UK European Market Infrastructure (UK EMIR) reporting questions and answers (Q&As) to help firms implementing the updated derivative reporting requirements under UK EMIR that apply from 30 September 2024.
At the same time, we published additional Q&As for consultation. Following industry feedback, on 12 July 2024 we published these Q&As in finalised form. We ask firms to note the Q&As apply from 30 September 2024 in line with the majority of the new reporting requirements.
FCA regulated fees and levies 2024/25
Fees enable us to recover the costs of delivering our priorities and achieving our objectives, as set out in our annual Business Plan. This ensures we can act faster to continue protecting consumers from harm, ensure market integrity, deliver on our public commitments, invest resources into new areas such as crypto and artificial intelligence, and encourage innovation within financial services.
We have published the final regulatory fee and levy rates for 2024/25 for the:
- Financial Ombudsman Service
- levies collected on behalf of government departments
We’ve also published feedback to our consultation on the draft fee and levy rates.
Use our online fees calculator to work out the regulatory fees and levies you will need to pay.
Implementing the Overseas Funds Regime
The new Overseas Funds Regime (OFR) allows certain overseas funds that the UK Government have deemed equivalent, to be recognised by us via a streamlined process. This allows these funds to be marketed to UK retail investors. We will ask funds currently in the Temporary Marketing Permissions Regime (TMPR) to apply for recognition during allocated ‘landing slots’ on our website to transition across to the OFR.
New funds (i.e. those not in the TMPR) can apply any time after the gateway opens in September 2024.
On 17 July, we published our Policy Statement which sets out final rules for overseas funds that want to seek registration under the new regime.
Digital wallets
We've launched a call for information with the Payments System Regulator on the benefits and risks which digital wallets offer.
The use of digital wallets has grown rapidly over the last few years, and they represent one of the most significant ways in which big technology firms are playing an important role in the payments landscape.
You can read and respond to the call for information by Friday 13 September.
Court sets dates for ‘finfluencer’ trials
Following a hearing at Southwark Crown Court on 11 July 2024, 8 people charged by the FCA with promoting unauthorised investments on social media pleaded not guilty. Two trial dates have been fixed for February and March 2027.
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