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Okay, putting out grievances to one side, maybe it could be useful having this thread with AJS as at least we know we have another avenue for queries guidance etc, which I am sure is the intention.

Trying to get a straight answer from my BDM at the minute on a case where we have a 10% shareholder who receives dividends and salary by his Dad.

I have Salary and dividend figures for the tax year end for 2023 and 2024 but also business year end 31/10/2023 and 31/10/2022. the figures do differ and it will perhaps fit one way, but not the other.

I need to know what income proof, is okay, as I am being told that 3 months dividend vouchers and wage slips will be okay, but still not sure what date these need to be and if we can use the whole amount or only a percentage of them. 

does the frequency these are paid, alter what can be done too?

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