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That's ironic, Mortgages 1555. Just this morning, I spoke to a client, there deal is ending June and now decided not to move. Balance £370k. In Jan they were thinking of moving, so now want a F/Adv for an extension. Now NatWest, Cambs etc to name a couple I would do the F/Adv and PT oh no not Santander, you want our client. So now will just remo in any case as 1555 says you must be loosing a lot. My other bug bare is last year I had a client split up £510k O/S wanted another 50k to pay off ex and buy her out; oh no I can't do that either; as he was in a fixed rate I had to guide him through what to do direct with Santander, check that Santander hadn't done something stupid like offer him a 5 yr fix so his rates would stagger. Client not happy as he wanted me to deal with it. His deal is up later this year so yes you guessed it I will remo it out of principle. I'm sure his new rate will be as good with someone else!

so AJ you have a looooooong way to go before most of us brokers like I used to be, would have Santander as a go to lender!!!

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