You are here: Forum > ADVISER FORUM > PROVIDER FORUM > Santander for Intermediaries > Greetings all from Santander!


Sorry to hear this  - we genuinely don't want brokers to lose their business. Have you spoken to your BDM on this yet? I'm happy to help them look into it for you.


I didnt as I didnt feel my telephone bdm would have any clout to get this overturned, if you think you can help please pop me a pm and Ill send over some details. 

I don't think providers can use the private messaging system - if you wouldn't mind sending the details to your TBDM and ask them to refer to it on to AJ then I'll happily look at it for it you. Nothing ventured nothing gained ☺️

To be honest, having been a bank manager and underwriter in the past, the main problem with Santander is that when you changed tactics and underwriting in 2012, you went from a lender who wished to lend and looked for reasons to lend. Since then (it has been getting worse by the year), your underwriters look for reasons to decline! Sort that out and you may start to write a lot more business! Take a leaf out of The Halifax's book!  

Agree with you Underwriting needs to be the key focus for us (and is) and consistency with that I think too. Halifax are certainly to be praised with their consistency and perception of being the go to lender.

Thanks so much for your feedback.

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