Whilst the title appears to be directed to firms or advisers choosing a network, if you’re taking the next step in your advisory career, perhaps looking at going self-employed for the first time, or setting up your own company, all the same principles apply. 1. Know your priorities – stick to them What you need? - What you want? - What you don’t want? 2. Get the facts on the proposition Whole of Market – Restricted Providers – Wider Panel – Any other restrictions? 3. Support What support do you need? – What is offered? 4. Values Are their values aligned with yours? - Find out what their key focuses are, how they have handled change previously, and how they treat advisers and clients 5. Adviser experience Speak with current and former ARs and advisers – Find out processes. Are they adviser/client friendly? 6. Read the contract Are there any advice restrictions? – What are the exit terms? – Notice period? Client origination? Contact/Marketing rights? 7. Technology What is offered? How up to date is it? Does it attract a cost? Is it adviser/client friendly? – CRM – Research tools - Sourcing 8. Charging Know exactly what charges are applied to. – What fixed costs? – Regulatory costs and PII? 9. Commissions & Proc Fees What is paid gross? – What is paid net? – Ask for illustration examples with full disclosure – Compare to published marketing materials 10. Loaded Premium Protection Understand what this is – How do you feel about it (good/bad/indifferent)? 11. Or... you can just contact Network Consulting Services who will talk you through these points and match the best propositions based on your own requirements! Call 0114 5511 338, email hello@network-consulting.co.uk or click below to request a call back: |
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