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We value every visitor, whether you're a regular forum contributor, advertiser or completely new to Cherry.
Cherry was launched in 2005 and the site and forums are used daily by the largest ever community of financial players involved in the intermediary market. Traditionally, Cherry was used mainly by advisers but now, more and more providers are seeing the benefits and getting involved.
Cherry is unlike anything else. One of our key objectives is to facilitate excellent communication between providers and advisers and through this, to help raise industry standards.
Here is the ONLY online place where providers and advisers can engage and work together to help themselves and ultimately the consumers whom we all serve. This is certainly NOT an unrestrained social media platform.
We are very proud of our ethics and goals.
If you have questions or need help with anything at all, please do get in touch by calling 0151 633 2424, emailing info@cherryplc.co.uk or through the site here.