Retirement Freedoms Forum
Time and date:
13 October 2015
Location: Chepstow
Organiser: FT Adviser
Website: Click here
The new rules on pension freedom and flexible drawdown came into force in April 2015 and will open up a new market of those who are at or in retirement, and looking at investing for income.
In response to these seismic changes our Retirement Freedoms Forum will address the many questions advisers will undoubtedly have.
A selection of high quality speakers will give their thoughts about how the reforms will impact on clients, whether fears of injudicious spending by pensioners are warranted, and whether the expected spate of new product launches are fit for purpose.
Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis - so to book your free place email your name, company name, contact details and the venue you'd like to attend to
A certificate of attendance will be provided that can be used for CPD purposes.