You are here: cherry > Events for November 2015 > Workshop with Omega & Shawbrook Bank - Birmingham

Workshop with Omega & Shawbrook Bank - Birmingham

Time and date: 18 November 2015 9.00 AM to 18 November 2015
Location: Birmingham
Organiser: Omega & Shawbrook Bank
Website: Click here

Presentations covering Secured Loans, Regulatory changes in the Second Charge Market and Commercial Market Commentary and updates.

Not forgetting a free lunch afterwards.

Omega Secured Loans

Secured Loans Market Overview

Terms currently available

Why use a Strategic Partner

Regulation and what it means for you (covering FCA requirements governing Secured Loans and offering most suitable advice)

Accredited time towards Personal Development available


Omega Commercial Solutions

An overview of the Commercial Mortgage Market and terms currently available within each specific sector (see below)

How you can benefit by offering access to these terms and services to your clients

How easy we can make it for you to offer these services

What that means for you in terms of enhanced client satisfaction and retention, and of course increased revenue for your business


Arrival 09.00 including Coffee and Registration