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Or happy New Year if Mandarin isn’t your first language!


According to the Chinese Zodiac, we’re about to enter the year of the sheep (goat or ram apparently as well!) so what does this mean?

Well the strengths of people born in the year of the sheep are tender, clever and kind-hearted. They are wise and can cope with business cautiously and circumspectly. In their daily life, they try to be economical. On the downside, they can be weak-willed and indecisive. They tend to be timid and like to be looked after by others. Bruce Willis is a sheep apparently. Hmm, perhaps he is different in his everyday life from the on-screen personalities he portrays!

So what can the ‘sheep’ among us expect in this new Chinese year?

Well it looks like their fortune in all aspects will fluctuate. The career front looks pretty stable but there aren’t any promotions or rises on the horizon. As for personal wealth, sadly the forecast isn’t for great growth – rather it advises a cautious approach to any investment to prevent potential loss. The forecast also advises a reduction in daily expenses to make ends meet.

Perhaps worrying for brokers with regards to any sheep amongst the client base, forecasters don’t think that ‘sheep’ should buy a new house or move this year ... although setting a fish tank in the west or north of their house may help increase their fortune in wealth!

As for relationships the advice is to avoid any conflict and with regards to health, the advice is to keep away from sharp tools and weapons such as knives and swords. Good advice whatever the year or zodiac sign might be, if you ask me.

Literally translated, Gong Xi Fa Cai means “wishing you enlarge your wealth” – so forecasts aside, let’s hope that the sentiment extends to sheep as well as the rest of us in this new Chinese year!

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