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Do any of you suffer from sales roadblocks?

This is where you just seem to struggle to get the prospect or client over the line, particularly with life or home insurance which is so often viewed as just another expense.

I know from personal experience that closing an insurance deal can be frustrating, difficult, and peppered with objections.


But I wanted to improve my sales ratios by closing more prospects, and clients, and learn how to deal with objections in a way that allowed the prospect to still say 'no', and yet still close the deal.

So I set about to learn the techniques that taught me how to leverage the psychological power of communication and reach clients and prospects in ways I never thought were possible.

I learned how to read their body language and understand their preferred means of communication by carefully listening to the words they used and even by reading the meanings behind their eye movements.

I learned the unspoken rules of selling and how to recognise the type of motivation that drove them to make decisions just by asking simple but quality open questions.

Having made a successful earlier career in professional sales in financial services, I am now compiling an online course delivered in short bite-sized lessons in video, audio, and written formats to suit individual learning styles.

By learning the same techniques used by highly successful business owners, professionals working in the field of business development, and those who are new to advising will enhance your communication skills and lead to more conversions.

The course is due to be ready early next year and I would love to hear from anybody who is curious and wants to know more ahead of the launch. 


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