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Maximise your clients borrowing power

Helping you to help more specialist customers 

with our enhanced affordability criteria.


Loan to Income

We'll accept up to 6 x Loan to Income (LTI) across our Residential product range, with affordability assessed.


Minimum Income

One applicant must earn at least £15,000. Benefit income should not typically be considered the main source of income.

helping hand

Helping Hand

We'll accept up to 4 applicants, with all incomes considered.

Joint Borrower/Sole Proprietor includes:

Parents (including stepparents and parents of a spouse),  children (including step or adopted),  siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and nieces/nephews


Income and Income Sources

Employment History:

No minimum time in employment. Applicants need to provide at least 3 months' employment history


NEW for 2023: Child Benefit, Guardians Allowance and Child Tax Credits considered up to 100%


We'll also consider regular overtime and Tips (TRONIC) income up to 75% and second job income up to 100% 

For the full list of income sources, click here


Take a look at our Affordability Calculator below!

Affordability Calculator

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