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Criteria wrap-up: Adverse

Here's a wrap-up of our adverse criteria and how we can help your specialist customers to get life moving.

Criteria wrap-up


No limit on the value of CCJs (County Court Judgements).

Vida 6 allows 0 CCJs in last 6 months.

Vida Packager tier will consider CCJs within last 6 months.


Arrears and Missed Payments

Telecom and utility missed payments ignored when assessing adverse tier.

All historic secured arrears must have been made up to date for at least 6 months prior to application.

Combined value of missed unsecured payments in the last 6 months, £500 for Vida 24 and Vida 6, £250 for Vida 36.

Values outside of these will be considered on Packager tier.



Applicants with bankruptcy, IVA, DRO allowed 3 years after discharge.

1 year + on Packager tier.


Debt Management Plans (DMPs)

Debt Management Plan considered, subject to satisfactory affordability and conduct checks.

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