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Advertising Content Requirements

Website & Email Banners

Website and email banners can be animated or static and should be supplied as gif, jpg, png, psd.

Banner Measurements
Leaderboard 1,500 x 110 pixels
Footer Banner 1,500 x 110 pixels
Forum Banner 850 x 70 pixels
Eye Level Banner 1,020 x 70 pixels
Large Skyscraper 150 x 600 pixels
Mini Skyscraper 150 x 300 pixels
Tile Advert 150 x 150 pixels
Newsletter Banner 400 x 85 pixels
Newsletter Square 400 x 400 pixels

Solus Email Broadcasts / E-Shots

Please supply as HTML with max width of 600 pixels. (If HTML is unavailable, please send text, images, layout guide and all associated url links.)

Email or call 0151 6332424 with questions or booking requests.

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