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HLPartnership acquires network

01 June 2023

Mortgage and protection network, HLPartnership, has announced the acquisition of AFP Partnership, a mortgage and protection network based in Maidenhead.

According to HLP’s CEO, Chris Tanner, the acquisition fits into HLP’s strategic growth plan to expand its reach.

He said, “It is rare to have the opportunity to acquire a business like AFP, which shares so many of the values that HLP has always held, such as fostering close relationships with individual AR firms by keeping short lines of communication and an overriding desire to help AR firms build their businesses in partnership with us.”

Chris added, “We are excited about adding AFP’s AR firms to our network. I have no doubt they will add significantly to the culture of HLP, which can only benefit all of our members and we look forward to welcoming them on board.”

Mark Banfield, Managing Director at AFP Partnership, commented, “I have been considering my own retirement plans for some time but have waited to find the right partnership. HLP is definitely the best cultural fit for our members.”