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Kuflink targets £500 million loan book

16 June 2023

Having made several promotions in its management team as well as taking on new hires for its investor relations team, Kuflink’s peer to peer (P2P) division working in close cooperation with its short term bridging side is aiming to boost its loan book to between £350m and £500m within the next two years.

Internal promotions include Paul Auger becoming Chief Operations Officer (COO) after a year as Kuflink’s Head of Products. Gary Prince, formerly Head of Financial Control becomes Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Laura Hetherington is now Chief of Staff and Operations. Hiran Patel has been named Chief Risk Officer and will manage the entire risk team.

According to Paul Auger, Kuflink has made significant progress in creating the foundations on which future success will be built.

He said, “Apart from the strategic internal promotions and increasing headcount in all areas, we are also in the process of introducing a new loan origination and management system, which will significantly improve our ability to effectively deal with increased loan volumes. Kuflink is preparing for the future with confidence by ensuring that our base is strong and fit for purpose and by attracting the best people to help take us forward.”