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The cherry broker forum reveals most talked about topics

20 June 2023

Adviser forum,, has revealed the most talked about topics amongst brokers on the site last month.

The most popular topic in May was product transfers not being affordable for clients, whilst the ‘sharp practice’ of some estate agents was the second most viewed thread.

Other popular threads included how to value a limited company, mental health and Consumer Duty, as well as concern about future complaints.

For the first time, a topic on the Provider Forum was one of the most viewed on the site, attracting more than a thousand views in the thread about common misunderstandings of LPAs.

Analysis of activity on cherry for May shows that more IFAs are now using the forum, which has historically been mainly used by mortgage brokers.

Donna Hopton, Director at cherry, said: “The cherry broker forum provides a secure environment within which advisers can share their thoughts, frustrations and thoughts on best practice. From the most viewed topics in May, it’s clear to see there is a good deal of unrest amongst advisers, particularly when it comes to the imminent Consumer Duty regulations and potential impact across a range of issues.

“One of the most notable takeaways from analysis of use of the forum in May is that the recently launched Provider Forum scored highly in the most viewed topics, which shows that this new section has gained traction very quickly.”