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Bank of England base rate comment from LiveMore

22 June 2023

Simon Webb, managing director of capital markets and finance at LiveMore, said: “The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has been spooked by the unexpected inflation figures yesterday showing stalemate in consumer price inflation and a rise in core inflation. We are still waiting for the previous base rate rises to filter through to the inflation figures but the impact is slow and laborious.

“During the 13 years of low interest rates we had become used to, the Bank said that when rates do rise it will be a slow process, but the opposite has happened. The unprecedented 13th consecutive rise in the base rate in 18 months, with further rises anticipated, is a price Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is willing to pay as bringing down inflation is the government’s ultimate goal.

“This latest rise is likely to be reflected in swap rates, which have almost doubled in the past year and therefore fixed rate mortgages will continue to be more expensive.”