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Source Insurance Announce The Formation of Their Adviser Insight Forum

27 June 2023

Source Insurance reveals the implementation of a collaborative adviser forum. Comprised of a range of advisers with varying-sized firms, offerings and preferences, this anonymous forum allows this select group to have a heavy input into developing systems, product selection and service enhancements.

At a time when Mortgage Advisers face fresh challenges in the market, this forum is an opportunity for the intermediary to gain true insider insight, ensuring future system creation and developments move with the needs of advisers and the ever-changing GI landscape.

Gavin Judd, National Sales Manager, explains:
“At Source, we consider it paramount to evolve our technology not only alongside the market’s
requirements but with the adviser and their client at the heart of our process for innovation.

The Adviser Insight Forum allows us to regularly engage with a broad spectrum of advice firms that service a mix of clientele demographics, enabling us to mould the proposition with valuable real-time feedback throughout our development process.”