You are here: cherry > Press releases for July 2024 > SORT GROUP HOSTS SECOND CONVEYANCING ‘LEVELLING UP’ FORUM


02 July 2024

A new campaign aimed at addressing key issues within the conveyancing sector is gaining momentum, with industry leaders attending their second forum to discuss key issues facing the sector and how collaboration can solve them.

The initiative, headed by Kevin Tunnicliffe, CEO of Sort Group, was launched in January 2024 with an inaugural event in Manchester. This brought key industry players together for an open discussion on how they can improve the experience for the law firm, intermediary and client alike.

Informal discussions have been taking place since then, resulting in a second forum at the Park Plaza hotel in Nottingham. Representatives from conveyancing firms and panel managers who attended the inaugural session in January were joined by a number of new attendees.

Discussions covered topics ranging from industry collaboration and logjams and escalation points to the inconsistency of conveyancing quotations and the government’s levelling up initiative. The conversations were positive and facilitated honest conversations around the current challenges and potential industry-wide solutions.

The first action point emerging from the forum is a commitment to collaboration through the creation of an escalation point framework, which aims to foster better communication and co-operation among law firms.

Everyone in attendance has now agreed to share their escalation contact details to help law firms work better together in future. An update on this will be announced soon.

Speaking about the success of the second levelling up forum, Kevin Tunnicliffe, CEO of the Sort Group, said:

“Our second ‘Levelling Up’ forum was just as positive as the first one held in January. There are currently lots of different improvement schemes being implemented across the property industry, and this is our contribution towards having an impact on the elements of the process we can change for the better.

“Levelling Up forums are now a regular fixture on the industry calendar with events taking place three times a year at a different geographical location. This geographical rotation will allow us to engage a wider range of professionals and incorporate diverse perspectives from across the country.”

If you have any thoughts or are interested in being involved in future conversations, contact Kevin directly on

SortRefer continues to set industry benchmarks, providing clients with transparent fee structures and delivering quick and cost-effective services, establishing themselves as a trusted choice for clients seeking conveyancing and legal solutions.