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SimplyBiz ‘Advice Show’ returns with post-election special

11 July 2024

SimplyBiz has announced an election themed Advice Show taking place on the 15th of July from 9.30am, featuring leading industry specialists exploring the implications of the election from a financial services perspective. The event, which also takes a deep dive into the effects on the markets is exclusively for SimplyBiz members and is part of its wider annual programme of 400+ events.

The Advice Show is SimplyBiz’s flagship virtual event, with holistic, wealth, protection, or later life themed sessions taking place bi-monthly, addressing topical areas affecting advisers. Next week’s Show includes an investment market update, a global election overview, regulatory horizon scan, and deep dive into decumulation transition.

The event, which is delivered as a series of panel debates, will feature industry experts from M&G Wealth, Octopus Investments, PIMCO, Aegon, BlackRock, HSBC AM, Canada Life, Orbis, and more, as well as SimplyBiz’s Head of Policy, Sandy McGregor.

Fabian Weisner, SimplyBiz Head of Distribution Partnerships and host of the Advice Show, commented:

“2024 is the year of elections, with around 49% of the world’s population facing a national election during this twelve-month period. With our own general election delivering a change of government less than a fortnight before the Advice Show, the French election producing unexpected results shortly afterwards, and the American Presidential battle heading quickly towards us, the event provides an extremely timely opportunity to discuss the repercussions of the result in the UK, what it might mean for consumers, and the potential implications of other global elections.

“Broken down into bite-sized sessions, the Advice Show offers viewers a single way to access insight and practical guidance about sometimes complex issues and, vitally, a chance for them to raise their own questions with our panels of experts.”