Strengthen Your Vulnerable Client Support with Comentis
13 January 2025
With the FCA's review on vulnerable clients coming to an end, now is to the time to ensure you have adequate processes in place to identify and support vulnerable clients. With early indications showing concerns around identification levels and reporting, you need to ask yourself some crucial questions in respect of your client base.
Can you answer these crucial questions about your client base?
- Can you evidence whether each of your clients is not vulnerable, in a vulnerable circumstance or vulnerable?
- Can you produce detailed data and MI on what vulnerabilities are present in your client base?
- Are you able to demonstrate how you have supported each and every vulnerable client?
If you answer No to any of these, it's time to review and enhance your processes for supporting vulnerable clients.
Comentis' digital Financial Vulnerability Assessment allows you to consistently and objectively identify and support vulnerable clients and easily produce comprehensive reporting and MI, ensuring you meet your Consumer Duty requirements quickly and easily.
- Used by over 760 Wealth and Mortgage advice firms, with over 130,000 assessments completed to date
- Clients can complete assessment in under 4 minutes and we have a completion rate in excess of 98%
- Designed to easily be integrated into any advice process
- Comprehensive MI enabling firms easy reporting
- Fully integrated into Intelliflo Office and IRESS
For more information or to book a free demo simply click below or call us 020 3282 0582.